Let me ask you a question,
Are you living your calling or is your calling constantly ringing your intuitive phone line, flooding your imagination with grand ideas and the mental phone operator you put in charge, is refusing to put through the conversation? Not sure? Follow me and Les Brown on a guided visualisation. Imagine, if you will, being on your deathbed. And standing around your bed are the ghosts of the ideas, dreams, abilities and talents given to you by life. And that you for whatever reason, you never acted on those ideas, you never used those talents,we never saw your leadership, you never used your voice, you never wrote that book. And there they are standing around you bed looking at you with large, angry eyes, saying, “We came to you, and only you could have given us life.! Now we must die with you forever!“ The question is- if you die today, what ideas, what dreams, what abilities, what talents and gifts, would die with you?. “Boom“- Now you picked up the call, right? Sit down with a piece of paper, journal down the honest answers, insights and realisations that surfaced within the first minute of doing this visualisation and make a commitment to get started with the idea that has the strongest energy in your list. Release all past memories of not having done what you wanted to do, connect and visualise your desired ultimate outcome of how you will feel, what you will do and how your life will change by living your calling and then put the universe in charge to help you in the step by step realisation of your intention by saying: “Dear Universe, what would it take in order for me to take the next step“. If you feel a sense of doubt, add on: Delete, undo and un-create anything that is in the way of this. Then let it all go and trust, and allow yourself to receive. Then let it all go and trust, and allow yourself to receive. Wishing you all the success and joy, Christiane. www.i-storybrand.com
Are you still trying hard to fit in when truly you were born to stand out? Or are you trying so hard to stand out that in fact, you fail to fit in with the tribe that you are destined to stand out with? The most common mistake I made when taking my first attempts at marketing trying to fit in was, that I believed the world simply wasn’t ready for my message and sharing my beliefs and standing up for my worldview would be misunderstood, judged and rejected. The good old ice age survival fear of how to battle the Woolly Mammoth if ostracised by my nomadic tribe in the Tundra ran the show. The other most common mistake, when trying to stand out too hard is that we believe our message is for everyone. We have a burning ambition to help as many people as possible and want to spread our message far and wide. This leaves us with a really untargeted, watered down and generalised message that won’t connect with any audience. The solution is simple, in fact, it's a key strategy implemented by all successful entrepreneurs that have made their marketing game effortless. Want to know how? Here are 3 simple guidelines to follow and implement when defining a niche, developing a service offer that will resonate with your audience in a purposeful way. Step 1) Choose an audience you have genuine empathy for and whose problems, challenges and pains you yourself have mastered. Step 2) Craft a message that is sharp and targeted by positioning your offer as a genuine solution that catalyses the growth, well-being, and purpose of your audience. Step 3) Share your message consistently and build a trust-based relationship with your audience. So that by the time they are ready to solve their problems, they will think of you as the number one person to go to. Wishing you the greatest success and joy with reaching out to your tribe in a way that matters. Christiane www.i-storybrand.com
Who is the S/Hero in your brand Story? Developing a Brand Story that uplifts your audience to new levels of doing and being is a true relationship building art and a core quality accredited to a Mentor Brand that serves their audience as a Hero/in on their own journey of self-realisation. This approach takes into account that a brands success grows exponentially when building a value centred relationship with its audience. In this relationship the Mentor brand functions as a nexus of information exchange that enables the audience and the company to join forces for mutual gain. |
Serve vs. Sell?
Does your Brand play the role of Mentor serving your audience or is your brand a dying Hero still trying to sell to your audience?
The hierarchical Brand of the past was largely built on a psychological strategy that preyed on a customers inadequacy mind-set, slyly tapping into their sense of lack, dictating new ways of doing of being whilst positioning their service as a key solution, that was to save the poor and impoverished audience from their meaningless fate. We are glad to report that the days of highly stylised brand veneers are numbered. Brands without a soul simply do not survive nor thrive in the organic and fast paced innovative climate of the Digitoral age, where social media platforms and online community allow for direct customer feedback and affect the like-ability of your brand by simply crediting or discrediting it.
Your brand story is only as good as the story your customers tell about you
It is the stories your customers tell about your brand that ultimately determine its growth and longevity and the real time value received from your brand that will keep you audience engaged. This know-how, informs the story of a Mentor Brand that builds up a genuine relationship with its audience based on the quality of the dialogue they share.
If the engagement with your brand becomes a inspiring, empowering and problem solving experience that takes your audience one step closer to realising their potential, then the story they will share about your brand will not only increase your visibility but expand your customer base. A true win – win situation.
Mentor Brands are on a mission and innovate in service to their audience
Brands that treat their audience as intelligent hero's on a path of self realisation,
play a sincere and innovate role as service orientated mentor figures, that have made it their expertise and creative aim to answer the biggest questions on the mind of their audience. Mentor brands are therefore extra busy delivering value centred products and purposeful created strategic solutions with an aim and a mission that uplifts their audience into higher forms of being and doing. The so called Mentor Brand is characterised by taking a Thought Leadership approach to solving and innovating our audiences challenges on their path of self realisation.
They do this by:
• delivering high levels of specified knowledge
• share sound and tested experience and
• portray a paradigm breaking point of view that solves our audiences problems by catapulting them into a new paradigm of being or doing.
Most of all does the Mentor Brand claim its title, from being an authentic Leader that walks their talk by having mastered the journey of self realisation their audience is on and intrinsically resonates and understands the roadblocks and challenges that the audience is facing.
Because of that they are now in a position to share cutting edge brand wisdom with their audience enabling them to take short cuts, safe time, energy and money and generally enable them to reach their goals faster.
So when stepping into the role of a Mentor Brand always remember that your audience is in the role of realising its heroic quest that you have mastered and now serve to facilitate.
Your brand platform becomes the practical terrain in which you are inviting your audience in to realising their quest by claiming new knowledge, going through an experience, shift in perspective or benefit from a product that will enhance their capability and grow the potential they are looking to nurture.
This is the formula of a Mentor Brand which can be applied to identifying how you can serve your audience in the most meaningful and change making way. Sit down and take a moment to brain storm around the following 3 points and what they mean and represent to you as a brand.
Specified Knowledge+ Transformational Experience + Unique Point of View = Mentor Brand Wisdom
• What is your unique set of specified knowledge?
• What life changing experiences have you gained from solving the most challenging cross roads in your personal and professional journey and how did those realisations influence your brand vision, mission and product development?
• How can you solve your customers problems by delivering a life changing shift in their perspective taking them out of the confines of a limiting situation and into the playground of vast opportunity.
Now take your brainstormed items and feed them into the narrative of your brand story.
To the success of the purposeful storyteller within you,
Storyroll author
Christiane Pedros
Chief Story Midwife at I-Story Brand